of the children which sleep in Children’s home:

1. Josif Rubenovic / Pristina / 25.06.1932. / yes / orphan
2. Rafael Rubenovic / Pristina / 25.04.1935. / yes / orphan
3. Albert Rubenovic / Pristina / 02.02.1937. / yes /orphan
4. Rasela Avramovic / Pristina / 1937. / yes / orphan
5. Jafica Avramovic / Pristina / 14.08.1933. / yes /orphan
6. Isak Avramovic / Pristina / 16.09.1937. / yes /orphan
7. Luca Ruben / Pristina / 14.08.1931. / yes /orphan
8. Aron Ruben / Pristina / 08.1934. / yes /orphan
9. Silvio Baruh / Sarajevo / 19.04.1933. / yes /orphan
10. Sami Bararon / Sarajevo / 27.09.1931. / yes / mother
11. Majo Pinkas / Belgrade / 31.09.1937. / yes /mother
12. Josko Pinkas / Belgrade / 1939. / no /mother
13. Lea Lazar / Pristina / 1938. / yes /orphan
14. Nina Danon / Pristina / 21.12.1938. / yes /mother
15. Avram Davidovic / Pristina / 14.08.1933. / yes /orphan
16. Bato Kalderon / Sarajevo / 1937. / yes /orphan
17. Sida Kalderon / Sarajevo / 10.08.1935. / yes /orphan
18. Betika Levi / Sarajevo / 06.04.1935. / yes /orphan
19. Ernica Levi / Sarajevo / 23.08.1933. / yes /orphan
20. Suzi S.Levi / Wienna / 09.03.1934. / yes /orphan
21. Jafica Adizes / Pristina / 1938. / yes /orphan
22. Blanka Altarac / Sarajevo / 1937. / yes /orphan
23. Lotika Caler / Sarajevo / 08.03.1932. / yes /orphan
24. Jelkica Keravica / Belgrade / / no /mother
25. Elijas Alhalel / Belgrade / 18.07.1929. / yes /orphan
26. Moric Aser / Pristina / 10.04.1932. / yes /orphan
27. Isak Beraha / Belgrade / 08.08.1932. / yes /both parents
28. Rahamin Koen / Belgrade / 29.10.1933. / yes /orphan
29. Isak Koen / Belgrade / 07.01.1936. / yes /orphan
30. Rebeka Koen / Pristina / 10.12.1935. / yes /orphan
31. Mimi Beraha / Pristina / 11.1934. / yes / both parents
32. Zita Beraha / Pristina / 05.1933. / yes /both parents
33. Hajim Caler / Sarajevo / 29.12.1929. / no / orphan
34. Agi Svarc / Novi Sad / 1942. / no /mother
35. Rasela Sion / Pristina / 20.01.1935. / no /orphan
36. Judita Vinkler / Budapest / 17.05.1937. / no / mother
Children who are in the Children’s home during the day
Name / Place and Date of birth / Does a child attend school / Relative
1. Lela Bararon / Belgrade / 4 years old / no / both parents
2. Sami Bararon / Belgrade / 10 years old / yes / both parents
3. Nina Avramovic / Pristina / 10 years old / yes / both parents
4. Sami Avramovic / Pristina / 9 years old / yes / both parents/
5. Matilda Klajn / Belgrade / 10 years old / yes / both parents
6. Lela Klajn / Belgrade / 6 years old / no / both parents
7. Borivoj Avramovic / Belgrade / 9 years old / yes / orphan
8. Mimica izrael / Belgrade / 4 years old / no / mother
9. Stela Bararon / Belgrade / 3 years old / no / mother
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